Such a concerning past few days. Tyler is refusing to play a particular show because he thinks the crowd only would respond to loud fast music, and also due to some people having the perception of me being a hardcore religious right-wing nut. Maybe this could be said of me when I was in 10th grade, but not now.
I also can't decide whether to stay at Pace next year or go to URI. I feel like leaving the city could give up any opportunities I had and perhaps screw up my whole future. At the same time, I have more fun back home. It's cold in both places though.
Here's an update on my stance on abortion. I now say it should be permissible in the case of a threat to the mother's life. The reasons behind this is that if a mother was not aware she was prone to these problems and her life is threatened, it is better to save one life, than to risk losing both the mother and the fetus.
Brian Williams has visited Iraq again, and he says it's calming down! And the surge isn't even completely in place. Also, apparently a new strategy is being used. This is coming from an unbiased source. I was against more troops, because I didn't think it could work, but if it is working we certainly don't want to root against the operation. good also seems to be coming out of the whole Bush firing federal attorneys debacle. Congress has complained, and therefore is getting a measure passed that will require all of these things to go through congress. Gotta love checks and balances!