Aug 26, 2005 11:14
so yeah its been a while and I cant say that anyone has missed it, haha I know my posts aren't the hippest to comment on like most of my other lj friends (mel, stacie, kass, and all the others that can count on at least 15 comments per post, haha) Im not complaining,
I went to Coldplay, even after all the drama about frosted flakes and such, I think that drama actually helped cause I still went and didnt have to pay, haha. Not only that but it was by far the most amazing experience musically I have ever had, hands down. To see 4 people fill the entire pavillion with such a huge sound was awesome, I couldnt get enough, I mostly enjoyed the shout out to Johnny Cash, it made me happy, no doubt. You missed out, but to the friends I called they didnt miss out all that much, no worries mel if its worth your time Ill call...
School is a joke, like always, I hate waking up. Its rough as crap. but my classes are easy, 8-9 music theory 9-10 sociology of marraige and fam (my fav.) 10-11 psychology (eh) and break from 11-12 12-1 english, its easy but long and gettin old fast but I gotta do good this semster or I might as wel quit and become a professional telemarketer (hahaha JK)
Im trying out for a professional drumline (kinda sorta) Im excited so wish me luck, my parents are happy about cuase now my free-time will be limited, and I understand the risk but i really like drumming so im preparedfor the risks