Shamelessly stolen from
skitty_kat Step 1: put your music player on shuffle
Step 2: post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
[Still skipping audiobooks, songs not in English, and censoring titles from lines]
Step 3: Check off the songs when someone guesses both artist and title correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up is cheating
Some of these are pretty easy and some, considering my music tastes, are going to be pretty hard. :)
1. Dear Momma's Boy, I know you've had your butt licked by your Mother.
2. Do I look good for you tonight?
3. You're so bad you're so bad your so bad
4. Mmh, yes. Then I'd taken the kiss of seedcake back from his mouth.
5. You know where I come from, you know how I feel.
6. See a young girl, so soft and blonde.
7. Strange how you know inside me.
8. I've been thinkin' bout thinkin' bout sex.
9. Do you have the time, to listen to me whine?
10. I'm not afraid to die, just scared of going to Hell.
11. No one can blame you for walking away.
12. No more! The craps roll out of your moth again.
13. I, I saw your face, elegant and tired.
oz-the-bobble Universally Speaking, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
14. This is not, this is not a song.
15. Pride you took, pride you feel, pride that you felt when you'd kneel.
16. Something has to change. Un-deniable dilema.
17. Your Daddy works in porno, now your momma's not around.
18. My Girlfriend says that I need help, my Boyfriend say's I'd be better of dead.
19. Close your legs, open your mind.
20. I wanna be your (title of song), I wanna be the one that takes the pain.
21. She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes.
22. (Groaning) You've been pushed around until you mumble.
23. I hitched a ride with my soul by the side of the road.
24. You remind me of the babe.
oz-the-bobble Magic Dance, David Bowie.
25. My shadow's shedding skin and I've been picking scabs again.
Good luck with that :)