happy New Year..etcc..slacker resolution

Jan 05, 2006 10:22

Hello journal world! yes iam a slacker here...ahh well !!

So Happy New year to all. ! a chance to wipe the slate clean and begin again. thanks to all gods and godesses! blessed are the meek for we shall inherit the crap. and rise above it DAMIT!
So my resovle for 2006 is be a part of COMPLETED PROJECTS! big and small.
this in involves myself, my partner,my kids, my friends, my family,my world(not nessecerily in that order);)...

My news good bro..John Dolan Russell has been hard at working pouring his heart into his new CD. as yet untitled and to be realeased soon? I was very fortunate to play on the project and be a part of the creative process..a few samples are available online at...
www.digitalvagabond.com and www.myspace.com/johndolanrussell and myspace.com/rickjbowen
sorry for the plug! but hey if we get this thing done...final mixing and packaging to come..I can put a knotch on my belt!!

My other band Stonebender...hopes to get into the studio soon..but we been saying that since July..!@!^%&*(!
We need a funraising plan! any ideas out there?? www.stonebenderband.com and www.myspace.com/stonebender
I did learn how to edit this site recently!! good for me!! ha ha ! see a drummer can do something else! neenerneenner world! (even if he can't type)

I am teaching again!! so good for my soul to help apiring drummers jump into the wacky world of percussive silliness!! I love it!

My kids..love school. I know that sounds like a lie, but really they do..I know my friends are sckeptical of the program and the teachers, even to the point of condemnation and anger...sorry! I am choosing to be a part of the solution not the problem..I will continue to volunteer and do my part.

My life partner and I are about to enter MIDDLE AGE!!!! crippss!! say it isn't so!
we have a greater understanding now that ever. and hope to build it into a new joy for each other. Relationships are always an ongoing "project"..

aahh the family...I believe we have banked up time with the Grandparents for a while...they are officially OLD People..this is a new project...
alas we shall see to what ends...

My fiends..ahh dear folks who made christams eve 2005 a terrific time for me! gone are the years of siting in a stew of bad memories, for we had a great party! I hope this becomes a new tradtition. Last year was full of fun times and I hope for more to come. thanks to you all. any of you who may read this and are in need of help finishing your"projects" do not hesitate! here I am !!
**In december my pals the others B's allowed me to finish a project for them, PAINT! it gave me great joy, they have no real idea why I wanted to do it..aahh we made a vieled deal about gift exchanges ,but truth is I did it for me! just for the feeling of getting it done!!! sheer joy! for when you actually complete a project, big or small,that moment is such a gift,a lift, a high. You did it with your own two handsand you r own will power to prevail. So many times we all quit in the middle or worse near the end, even when it's not our choice. nad loose out on that simple pure state of bliss and satifaction called ....Done...
MY Goal is to have more of that in my life.

to all.
spring is on the way!!

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