Oct 30, 2005 22:59
I'm sick of eating! I'm sick of people insisting that I haven't eaten enough...I don't know what's up with these people. Actually yes I do. I'm dealing with a nation that until very recently was going through a perpetual famine. My parents are scared to death that I will miss out on the nutrition I need to grow up big and strong.They can remember a time when they didn't have anything to eat. You can see it in the way the forty year olds and older eat. When we go out to dinner they never fail to order much more than is humanly possible to eat. You see it in the way that they are terrified at wasting food, I can't tell you how many dinners I have been to that by the end all the grownups are prodding each other to stuff one more piece of food into their mouths, " here, you eat this side and I'll have the other" " don't be wasteful!" thats what dinners turn into. The teenagers however are a completely different story, at least the ones in Beijing. They have never known what being poor is, they are as wasteful as all of America, buying Nike's and expencive bikes that they can't really afford. It really is a fascinating thing to see play out, such a huge generation gap.
time for sleep.