Jun 07, 2008 19:37
"Seeking one male and one female actress to play the parents of two little girls in a PSA (public service announcement) about asthma. This project is being directed by a high school student who wishes to enter the completed PSA in the BreatheLA PSA contest.
Two actors must be able to believably portray the parents of a ten-year-old and a fifteen-year-old. The roles of the daughters have already been cast, so parents must match the children. Both girls are blonde, so parents should be Caucasian. Light hair is preferable, although one parent may have dark hair (preferably the father).
This will consist of a one day shoot on June 28th. Non-SAG actors only, please. No pay, but meals and copy provided. If the PSA does win any money, each actor will be paid $50. Send headshot and resume if interested.
This project really is for a good cause. Actors will be teaching children and parents the warning signs of an asthma attack and how to deal with one."
anybody want to bust into the film industry with me?