New Year, news!

Jan 05, 2012 17:54

Happy New Year, flist! xxx

Well, Christmas was uneventful, which is the way we like it. I spent more of the time in a bad mood than I would have hoped… ingratitude and lack of any show of appreciation, after all the work and thought I put in, pisses me off BIG time.


I bought myself Stephen King’s new book, 11.22.63, and am currently halfway through and LOVING it, of course. January just wouldn’t be the same without a new SK to thrill and engross me.

I bought my mum and dad a beautiful (and rather huge) mirror with roses round the border, for a joint Christmas and mums’ 70th birthday gift. My mum LOVES it, it’s to go in their new bedroom when they move in with us. Her birthday was on New Year’s Eve, so we had a nice meal out that evening and I carried on the rose theme with her gifts and the cake I had made for her.

Building continues apace after a break over the holiday period. Half our kitchen has been boarded off so we have no free surfaces in there and mess everywhere. The floor has been put in today, so we can walk around upstairs in the new part now although the actual staircase won’t go in for a week or so yet. It’s really exciting! I reckon it should all be done by mid-Feb, and then we can get it carpeted.

In the mean time, of course, we are suffering many little niggles and much inconvenience... the aforementioned kitchen, lack of washing machine, broken burglar alarm, central heating glitches, a leak, mess everywhere, unhappy cats, noise... but it’s all good, because it will have been well worth it once it’s all been sorted.

I have chosen now to start on the mammoth task of sorting out all my parents’ photo albums. Very bad timing, I know, but it’s something I can do sitting down in an evening, and I really enjoy it. This is the first and easiest step in a long process of what I am calling the Second Wave of downsizing. There are probably up to 50 photograph albums of family life and of holidays they’ve had over the years, and the albums take up tons of space - space they’re not going to have. I’m taking all the photos out and banding them together with index cards at the front of each batch detailing the year they were taking and which holiday it was. It’s very satisfying!
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