Dec 08, 2011 10:10
Heading home from my work Christmas party last night there was a big Italian family with two toddlers and lots of suitcases heading down to the Northern Line, and as they hit the bottom of the escalator the children fell over and went flying across the floor and the suitcases went everywhere, and more and more luggage started piling up as more and more people were forced down the escalator into the pile-up. Worst was the dad who was holding the large metal pushchair at the back, and he was forced down the escalator and had no option but to plough into his young. The children at one point looked like they were trying to swim through lugguage, unable to stand, and the parents were screaming and grabbing at the children and then falling over as more luggage and total strangers piled up on top of them. It was absolutely priceless.
It reminded me fondly of the time at Warren Street when I saw a very old woman going up the escalator as I came down, and when she was near the top she fell over and rolled down the steps, only she rolled down as fast as the escalator moved up and so she was pretty much just rolling downstairs endlessly on the spot.
I forgot what a fun place to live London can be.