Aug 06, 2010 11:36
It's an odd world in which two glasses of white wine from the top of the list and a single eccles cake will set you back £18, especially when we were expected to sit in the wind-swept corridor. Still, that's St John's in Clerkenwell for you ... and the eccles cake did come with a giant slice of wensleydale cheese.
We're saving money at the moment, and so the decision as to whether to stay out for supper was effectively made for us and we slunk home for something meagre and mean (dry bread soaked in tears, warmed by a single sneeze).
It's still warm enough for the smokers to cluster outside, and I kicked over one of their pint glasses on the way out and then accidentally stepped on top of it. I so wish my parents had sent me to Clown School instead of Cambridge: I could have rolled up and down the street on the pint glass and made a good living. Instead, I squawked like a chimpanzee and twisted my ankle. Thanks Mum!