Valentine's Day - Mom and Her Boyfriend

Feb 14, 2012 14:33

My mom and her boyfriend are so hilarious.

This Valentine's day they got each other cards/flowers. ( mom's boyfriend got her flowers). Both cards had two similar elements though. Two coffee drinks, both with hearts on them...and the other with champagne classes, both with hearts on them. They were positioned the exact same way and everything.

My mom actually said to the cash register whether she could return it if her boyfriend got her the same card. The person behind her saw the two coffees and just started laughing.

They may not have been the same, but they were pretty darn close. Seriously, they were even with opposite colors and everything. (One had a background of red, the other had a background of cream. The coffees were cream-colored while the champagne classes were red. Both had red hearts) So weird.

family, random, vague, parents, real life, fun, happy

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