Ramblings - Writing/Real Life

Nov 13, 2011 15:45

So, where have I been?

One thing, school.

The villain...

I've noticed is that I am spending most of my time either babysitting or doing school, which is actually fantastic. School is probably one of the few things I wish I could do forever, of course you always learn new things, but I love having teachers and getting assignments because of how easy it is and how challenging it can be.

This semester I am actually doing speech class and I am having a fantastic time. So far we've done Oratorical Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Impromptu, Extemporaneous, and Expository. We are currently doing Expository, which is a speech made up entirely of information and the goal of a speech is actually to teach people something. So we had to make up ten topics and choose one from those, mine is "Where does coffee come from?"

I'm actually really impressed with the information I've gotten, so I am having a lot of fun with that. The only thing I hate about these types of speeches is the fact that we have to use boards. I have decided that I hate the process of making the board, but when the board is complete, it will be beautiful!

Impromptu is wonderful as well. One of my favorites about it is the fact that it is completely made up on the spot, and unlike Extemporaneous speeches, they aren't about current events. Impromptu can be pretty much anything, so far I've gotten "How to annoy an older sister," "An experience with a bully" and "Things you'd find underneath my bed." My favorite has been "how to annoy an older sister". I have four older sisters, and I am the second youngest out of all eight children, so I had a lot of experience with this.

We are going to have a speech presentation there and my stomach has been in butterflies all day. Tomorrow I will be giving my Expository speech.

Painting is another class that I've been taking and I absolutely despise it. The projects are nice and everything, the teacher is fantastic, but I am not good at doing realistic paintings. I am an abstract artists, so I feel like I'm limiting myself with how little I'm going through the paintings. So I asked my teacher if we will be doing abstract and she said that she’d think of projects we could do.

That made me a bit happier, because I am only an abstract artists and so far I've done nothing that plays in with my strengths.

Which, I'll be posting some art soon to show you what we've done.

Writing is going terrible, so far I have only written about 5k for this month. I haven't been a bit inspired to actually sit down to write, but I had a major breakthrough for my writing. The names, I cannot write anything without first coming up with a name, and so I have my two main characters, Crux and Fornax, based off of constellations of course. So I will post something original soon, too.

Well, there's an update on my life. I'd love to hear what's been going on with you guys. I hope that you are making plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas or any other holiday that you do. It seems to be so quiet here on LJ, especially on FFnet. Well, I miss you guys. It doesn't feel the same without seeing more entries and everything.

happy, rant, writing, ramblings, family, babysitting, real life, research, thinking, fun, classes

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