It's that time again when Steve has to go to factories in Hong Kong and work directly with the sculptors making the Disney snowglobes and other 3D items he designed. This time it's a 15 hour flight with a 4 hour layover in Korea.
first trip included lots of pics, the
second trip not so many. By this go-round I expect he'll be so over it he won't even remember to bring the camera.
The first couple days/nights when he leaves are horrible. I hear noises in the house (and I'm the guy who prides himself on being rational), become unexpectedly lonely at random times, and our hikes in Runyon Canyon become more about a workout regime than an enjoyable experience. I do have a book rewrite that I hope to complete while he's gone, plus some other writing assignments, and there are those restaurant openings and reviews to take up my time... They're just not as fun without Steve being my wingman.
Trust me: I do enjoy some "alone time," but I get over it pretty fast.
So pray for Steve's safe flight and a fast week for both of us. I'll be blogging as usual and offering family updates as I get them.
Have a great weekend.