I know I posted these pics on The Facebook, but between writing for work, editing for work, blogging for work, rehearsing for our upcoming trapeze showcase, and keeping up on The Facebook it seems like there is even less time than ever to write on the blog. So I'm re-running pictures in the assumption that not all of you are on The Facebook with me.
Steve and I wore flight suits because they're sexy. We put some Battlestar Galactica references on them because we could. No one got them, I don't think, but many people thought we were cute. Which is something...
We ran into Jeff, Steve's brother, at some point in the night.
We also hung out with Rodney Alexander Griffis. Good times.
We also saw the girls from Jersey, and one of them definitely couldn't keep her hands off Steve.
We didn't take many other pictures. Our plan was to take a couple while we were sober and then give up. As you can see, sobriety left early.