I saw a rainbow on the way to work this morning, which surprised me a little since I hadn't seen any rain. It was off to the west, after I made my entrance onto I-94 from highway 65. Traffic at the ramp meter had been light, only two cars deep when I got there, and I had just made my merge and two subsequent lane changes without difficulty (this can be one of the uglier parts of my commute) when I saw the arc of colors ahead of me.
Probably no flaming dumpster this year
Tomorrow is our last practice before performing at the company barbecue on Monday. I took a good look at the set list and realized that I'm singing lead vocals on ten of the thirteen songs. I used to joke that I intended to take over for S-, and now it has really happened. (Be careful what you wish for, or you will surely get it.) He'll barely be singing at all, adding the barest of backing vocals on three or four songs.
I need to spend a little more quality time reviewing the lyrics so that I can sing them "alfresco" (i.e. without a sheet of paper in front of me). For this set, I can also strip my harmonica collection down to a G-harp, a C-harp, and a D-harp.
Let's just hope for good weather on Monday. In case of rain, we're canceled.
Getting Things Done . . . or Not
My "to-do" list needs a serious overhaul. At some point, it became a "to-dread-doing" list instead. Most of the items on my allegedly current list have been there for more than a month. And I still haven't implemented any sort of weekly review process.
On the plus side, I've got the ubiquitous capture thing going on, and I do feel like a lot less is falling through the cracks. I carry my trusty Moleskine and my Cross pen (the only non-disposable pen I've ever owned) wherever I go. I'm using GMail for digital capture, tracking, and storage of the information relevant to my projects, and that seems to be a good fit for my lifestyle.
It's probably just time to bite the bullet and do another clean sweep. I've got all the tools in place and I've experimented enough with the techniques to know what I'm doing. Now I need to end the trial period and start establishing the right habits.
Nerd Skills Update
Typing speed (Dvorak layout): 163 cpm, 1.8% error rate
Quote of the Day
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe