Jul 14, 2008 15:36
For a while now I've been wanting to record some of the current wines that I've been enjoying. There is nothing worse then trying to remember if you liked a particular vineyard or varietal while shopping and then choosing incorrectly. Also, I've been wanting to respond to my friends who ask about a particular wine that they may have had at one of my parties. So for now I will attempt to log my experiences here with the wines that I've had. If any notable food is had with the wines I will attempt to note them as well as that can alter the perceptions of the wines flavors.
I will state now that I am in no way a seasoned wine connoisseur like you see in magazines and TV. I've been enjoying wines for about 10 years and only cellaring them for about 8. Your tastes and opinions will most likely vary from mine. That said, I would love to hear about any wine that you have come across. I'm always looking to experience new and exciting wines.
If you do not enjoy wine or have something personal against grapes then you may want to skip these posts.
Now to make a icon for these...