every 3 seconds.... that is insane....

Jun 23, 2005 19:43

USA: The One Campaign (http://www.one.org)

UK: Make Poverty History (http://www.makepovertyhistory.org)

France: 2005: Plus d'Excuses! (http://www.2005plusdexcuses.org)

Spain: Pobreza Cero (http://www.pobrezacero.org)

Germany: Deine Stimme Gegen Armut (http://www.deine-stimme-gegen-armut.de)

Italy: Coalizione Italiana contro la Poverta (http://www.nientescuse.it)

Japan: Hottokenai, Sekai no Mazushisa (http://hottokenai.jp)

Go to one of those sites...

Hear what they have to say.

They aren't asking for money.
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