Aug 02, 2008 13:05
Work has begun the accelleration into the "busy season" which means it sucked crazily this week. I work in a field related to direct marketing -- and it doesn't mean I'm a bad person. But it does mean that from August through November, we have a huge volume of work because in addition to the normal steady periodical work, we also have a huge seasonal burst of craziness in fall. And the craziness apparently started this week.
So of course, I wanted to leave an hour early to go to Madison to see Pat McCurdy's annual Terrace Show at UW, but I ended up working an extra 20 minutes instead, PLUS I abandoned some stuff with cowowrkers because I HAD TO LEAVE.
The show was awesome, and K behaved better than a bunch of kids of drinking age. She sang along, she only did running around where a bunch of other kids were, and in general, she was pretty good. A bunch of "grown ups" decided it would be a good idea to stand in the fire lane so the people who had been sitting reserving tables for five or six hours couldn't see, and a select couple decided to smush in by our area and drink our beer. Assholes.
K loved Madison because of the cow art project they had a couple years ago, but last night she also really loved the aquarium by the main entrance of the Union. She also loved the lake, which was funny since we live two blocks from Lake Michigan. She also loved all D's friends who were VERY awesome with her, from A who put her on his shoulders to K8, H and S who didn't cringe much when she climbed on them, and J and P and... ARGH I don't remember who else was playing with my kid, but they were very patient and showed her a Rubik's cube.
We got home around 3, put K to bed, I made D some eggs, and I did a little of the work I had abandoned 11 hours earlier, and we didn't get up until 11 a.m.
So we didn't go to Cajun Fest in Waukesha -- which takes about 3 hours on the bus -- but I will go forth and procure food from Pick n Save (we slept through the farmer's market. Doh!). I'm hoping sweet potatoes are on sale since K really liked them last week at the ren fair....