Sep 11, 2005 03:27
I can't sleep and maybe if I write about everything that's swirling around in my head it won't be so bad. Right?
So this school year is really different from any before:
1. I don't live in a dorm.
2. The lab is off-campus.
3. I actually get paid for being in the lab. <--Very novel.
4. The grad school apps *are here*. Sweet Jesus, I never thought this day would get here, and it's going to take you moment to moment to get me there.
God had a plan for my life.
If he'd go ahead and let me in on it, that'd be *great*.
Too many issues of the head and the heart.
What have I always wanted and why?
Certainly if it is a Godly desire He will be faithful and He WILL fufill it.
I just don't feel like there's enough time in the day - to hang out with all the incredible people I know, to maintain long distance friendships, to talk to my roommates, to do my homework, to apply to grad school and to write forty page papers.
Granted, I'm not *doing* anything productive with my "I can't sleep it's 3 AM." I've been having odd dreams lately. Something is amiss...
On the other hand, it is Saturday night.
What's the over/under on me being late for church de la manana?