There is a three letter word on my crossword puzzle today. The clue is: "Neato, nowadays." I left it blank, worked around it, and discovered that the word was "RAD." "RAD?" What is this, 1986? Do I look like a
ninja turtle to you? "RAD?"
A group of people came out of Old Main shouting today as I walked by it on my way to a class. They were protesting the university's lack of response against the Lady Lions basketball coach who,
it seems, discriminated against a gay player. One guy came out of the building shouting about how he wanted to give a "two page letter" to Graham Spanier (
President of PSU) but that he wasn't allowed to see Spanier personally, and had eventually been kicked out of his office. He seemed to think that this was a personal affront to his dignity, and that everyone within earshot should be as outraged as he that he couldn't see Spanier personally. I was quite tempted to shout, "Just put it in the mail, dumbass!" But I didn't.
Speaking of sexual discrimination, the
Penn State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transvestite Association recently
crowned Mr. and Mrs. Gay Penn State. Darryl Watson was declared Mr. Gay Penn State. He accepted his crown saying, "I've never seen so many fabulous queers in one place." I'm not even gay, and I'm embarrassed by that...
I have three half-empty bags of
chips in various places around my apartment, and I'm not entirely sure why...