Independence Day Post Mortem

Feb 10, 2007 01:01

It has finally arrived. February 9, 2007. My last day in P&G, and my first day being unemployed.

The first major event has to be the touching surprise send-off organized by my boss for me, and how I felt so guilty about the whole thing. I was actually peeved at two people when in reality they wanted to surprise me. First was my secretary who conveniently delayed my turnover from 230pm to 4pm (just so they can have everyone present at the surprise), and my boss who wanted to 'have a meeting' 5 minutes before I literally stepped out of the office. To my surprise (and guilt), they had actually organized quite a touching surprise sendoff for me with the entire fabric care team in attendance. I was literally at a loss for words!

The second event was a charming dinner at Ferdie's with the pinoy marketing folks in f&hc. A truly amazing dinner in perhaps the best home I have seen in Singapore. Stuffed myself silly with yummy roast chicken, claypot rice, and fortune cookies! Mine said "Be happy with what you have now..." (err... unemployment?) and "An unexpected event will bring surprise and happiness" (sounded like the surprise given to me that afternoon!). Then we played taboo and they gave me perhaps the best sendoff gift I have received (a card with a lot of touching dedications). The event was double-despedida I shared with Gabby (who's going back to manila, but still with P&G. Pics below!

What a great start to my 4-day despedida! Tomorrow, I am having dinner with 'the aunties', then the adobos on sunday, and then a cross-match of adobos and aunties on Monday. Truly, the people who matter most to me in Singapore!

Here are pics of the despedida, grabbed from Moan's blog (


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