The UP 100 Meme

Jan 14, 2008 15:48

It's UP's 100th!

1. Student number?

2. College?

3. Course?

4. Did you shift or get kicked out?
Nah. Too nerdy.

5. Where'd you take the UPCAT?
Math Building

6. Favorite GE subject?
Soc Sci 2 with Solidum. She's one heck of a terror teacher, but I learned a lot. I topped one of the exams, and she said "Escolar - a rose by any other name, etc etc."

7. Favorite PE?
Philippine Games. Every week, we would relive our childhood playing games such as patintero. My friend Pam fell one time while we were playing Tumbang Preso and we couldn't stop laughing. For finals, we had the Filipino Olympics and I my event was finding the candy with my mouth from a bowl of flour. I lost.

8. Where'd you do guy/girl watching?
AS Steps

9. Favorite professor(s)
Solidum, Loriega, Cayanan

10. Most hated GE courses?
Nat Sci

11. Did you take Wednesday or Saturday courses?
Yes for PE, ROTC and JPIA!

12. Did you go on field trips?
Yes, in Rizal for Hum2

13. Did you ever become College Scholar or University Scholar?
Yes, I was a nerd back then

14. What were your organisations/fraternities/sororities?
Career Assistance Program-CBA, JPIA, RVC (Reg Volunteer Corps)

15. Where do you hang out?
AS Steps at first, then BA Steps/Library when I was older

16. Dorm, boarding house, or staying at home?

17. If there was no UPCAT and you were free to choose your course, what would it be (given your mental state during high school)?
BAA pa rin

18. Who was the first student you met in UP?
David and Gilbert, but we were classmates in high school too and agreed to register together

19. First play that you saw in UP?
OMG I forgot! El Fili ata

20. What were the 5 most coño orgs.
JMA, AIESEC, Upsilon, Ecosoc, CE?

21. What were the coolest organisations/fraternities/sororities?
JPIA syempre

22. Was there a fraternity/sorority that recruited you?

23. Where'd you have lunch usually?
BA Canteen yuck

24. Were you happy in UP?

25. Were you ever part of a rally?

26. How many times did you vote during the student council elections?
None? Is that different from the College elections?

27. Name at least 5 leftist groups in UP.
Hmmm... I dont really know

28. Did you ever wish for laude status when you were a freshman?
Sadly, yes

29. Who did you have the hots for?
Too many to mention

30. If you failed the UPCAT what was Plan B?
Ateneo. God forbid.


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