Jun 15, 2005 15:16
So lets see, exatly 2 months til my birthday, 10 days til i leave, 1 day til schools over, its hot
saturday i didnt do much all day, then people are like cmon lets go mini golfing whooo! so im like ok whooo? so we went to mulligans island, sam and meg, being awesome got lost like a minute away from it, no one told them to aim for the golf course in front of the prison, so me and trev get there, wasted 8 bucks, then me sam and meg left cause trevor hda a graduation party to go to, so we chilled, then as im getting driven home some crazy shit happens, and we end up at sams, so at like 1230 sams brother takes me home, got home, lied outside in a hammack til 140 in the morning lol, yessss i rock, you know it
Fuckin 1 exam left, then im out