Jun 24, 2005 01:21
A - Age you got your first kiss: like 12
B - Band listening to right now: myself singing
C - Crush: my boyfriend? lol
D - Dad's name: les
E - Easiest person to talk to: micaela
F - Favorite bands at the moment: maroon 5
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: worms
H - Hometown: the wb bitch
I - Instruments: nothinggg
J - Junior High: olms
K - Kids: some dayyy
L - Longest car ride ever: its about to be iowa
M - Mom's name: denise
N - Nicknames: SEXY BITCH lmfao jpppp
O - One wish: california <33
P - Phobia[s]: spiders
Q - Quote: AY MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN lmfao joe brooooooo
R - Reason to smile: my daddy and the love of my life
S - Song you sang last: this is how a heart breaks
T - Time you woke up [today]: 11
U - Unkown fact about me: im not a whore
V - Vegetable you hate: colly flower
W - Worst habit(s): ;-)
X - X-rays you've had: back
Y - Yummy food: italian
Z - Zodiac sign: libra
Last person who....
Slept in your bed: me and micaela
Saw you cry: micaela and my dad
Made you cry: some bitch
You went to the movies with: micaela
You went to the mall with: my daddy :-)
Have You Ever...
Said "I Love You" and meant it: uh huh
Gotten in a fight with your pet: lol no?
Been to California: :-/ ...yea
Been to Mexico: no
Been to China: no
Been to Canada: what michiganian hasnt
Been to Europe: no
Danced naked: all the time lol
Wish you were the opposite sex: YEA man i want a penis for a day
Right Now...
Do you have a crush on someone: uh huh
What book are you reading now: none
Worst feeling in the world: when i realize how bitchy i am
Future KIDS name: brandon, travis, robert, jordan
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: like a billion lol
What's under your bed: probably a monster or too
Favorite sport to watch: DETROIT BASKETBALLLLLl
Location: by my comp? lol
Piercings/Tattoos: nothing...belly button next week thoo
Do you drink: uh huh
What are you most scared of: loosing my baby
Where do you want to get married: small place
Who do you really hate: shit talking bitchssss
Do you have a job: used too
Do you like being around people: yeah..overly social
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: psh yea
Have you ever cried: i cry so much
Are you lonely right now: no micaelas with me :-)
Song that's stuck in your head a lot: THIS IS HOW A HEART BREAKS
Have you ever-
Been in love: i am
strip poker: lol i wish
Pulled an all nighter: i havent slept in 3 days
Been on radio/tv: yea
Been in a mosh-pit: yesss fun shit
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: i have a gay uncle?
In the last 24 Hours have you...
Cried: yea
Bought something: no but someone has bought shit for me
Gotten sick: yea
Sang: lmfao yea
Been kissed: a lot
Had sex: haha
Felt stupid: yea
Talked to an ex: yea lol
missed someone: yea....
Hugged someone: yea