I for one welcome our new internet censorship overlords

Nov 08, 2008 05:14

There was more to this, and some editing. But Ian called me at 2am, and then we talked till now; 4:43am. And my brain is melt.

Reading over this it's quite inflammatory. I don't want a filter, but we live in privatised safe Australia.

Lets put aside what I claim to know about IT as an industry for I have done little to no research on this here topic of Australian Internet censorship. I'm just mesmerised by the summary outrage the wee folk of Australia are lauding about. This has been a long time coming, if you thought it would never arrive because the internet is... unique, you're naive. Every other corner of your life is censored - is that why you're so uppity, was this your Wild West? Oh alright, that was a bit too far. Anyway...

1. blocking access to some media is going to serve a purpose. Think of the children. You use the same argument for voluntarily not buying McDonalds.
2. a public list leads to mirror sites.
3. if joe blow advertises 2Mbit DSL. You get 2Mbit DSL, otherwise it's a breach of your ToS (lets not forget Telstra's charter). And yes Australia has more than 2Mbit worth of bandwidth.
4. you're already being spied on, do not kid yourself. Legally everything you visit on the internet is logged and held for two years minimum.
5. you really should want internet traffic to move from X, Y or Z to P2P.
6. at the end of the day, if this sucks nut, I'll more than likely become an active proponent for abolition. I'm just nowhere near convinced this is the anti-Christ.

Now we get to the issues, and there are plenty. I'm sure a quick review of whirlpool.net.au would furnish you think tank wise.

Does our internet get more expensive? Well it's the government doing the filtering work, not the ISP, it'd be a hard sell.

Non-disclosure on such a massive scale requires hard and fast ethics. If you block play-school.net.au for five minutes because of a flagged forum post (blame the software!), and you get it wrong, the Courier Mail - dare I say the media - will probably launch another newspaper just to cover the fire-storm they generate.

This isn't Iran. If you impinge on another's rights, you can expect them to take you to court.

And there is the crux my friends. A court case, we need a legal precedent set. We need a landmark case where a lot of very highly paid, irreproachable QC's argue themselves blue-faced taking the legislation apart piece by piece discovering where justice lies and how application differs from purpose. ^_-"
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