Far out who ever thought crafting emails could take this long and cause such pains. I am literally writing and rewriting each and every sentence. Slaving over the details, trying to eliminate superfluous crud. I guess crud will always be superfluous but lets not get into my overstatement.
I have right now, six-and-a-half sentences. the half I don't yet know how to finish, but I figure the dimmer will rise a notch once I read some more articles from
pervasive 2008.
As we all know I seem to believe I could do some good in the area of HCI, silly me. My previous research didn't really crack that nut, or any such related nuts, I was far more concerned with why large information systems were not doing well inside multinationals trying to reuse some knowledge. I've been advised this is of little consequence, and just quietly honours is not nearly a PhD.
So what now, I should definitely work out what interests me most and poke while it roasts. If I'm going to get anywhere I need to work out an APA research submission, and soon. I also need to close the deal with my potential supervisor, and first.
I really want to drill a seepage of something promising, I don't expect a geyser here - I'm not that sort of individual - but I want a couple of ideas - of merit - that have some important unanswered questions. Questions I could answer. I need it written down and thunk aboot.
Have been doing not much since my sister departed yesterday, I flagged a few photos of our Portuguese adventures but saw nothing sterling.
Missing Joana - she volunteered at a music festival and I've not seen her in a week or so. Kinda hoping she gets back tonight to interrupt my brain train.
Anyway, back to it.