Jun 03, 2005 01:06
today me and tom did a 12 track demo for yet anothere new band called everybody hates ramonde.totaly harsh grind,so happy with the tracks!!
only thing is when i came to puting them onto tape my tape recorder totaly fucking died!!! then we triend minie disc and that totaly ran out of batrys.
then we desided to trie puting it on the computer stright from the 4 track.turnes out that wozent gona be fucking easy as all the fucking leeds wuldent work with it,then tom ran home and got anothere withch ended up not even fiting in the fucking thing but then we got them sorted but then for sumreson they wure recording onto my comp shitly so now hes taken his 4 track home and will hopfaly get the tracks on his computer and online later tonight!!!!
hahaha all in all woz a good day apart from the end but hopfaly that can be fixed in abit,so yeyyyyyyyy