9 Months

Sep 16, 2010 15:50

Jackson's 9 month Stats:

Weight: 26 lbs 8 oz (99th percentile)
Length: 30 3/4 inches (98th percentile)

I've got me a big big boy.

Gripe: Insurance will no longer cover well-baby visits. We have exceeded our allowance for the year. (FTR-We exceeded that piddly allowance in February, but whatever.) I asked the doctor's office to help us out, and they refused at every turn. They can't re-code it, they can't give us a discount (because the discount is for people without insurance), they can't even tell me how much today's visit is going to be.

We're seriously considering dropping our insurance (which we pay over $400/month for) and opting into a private hospitalization/emergency insurance policy. The extra would go into a health savings account to pay for these doctors visits that aren't getting covered anyway.

How stupid is this plan?
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