Jul 09, 2010 14:06
...but we don't buy any of Jackson's clothing new. I MAY have bought some new stuff when he was itty bitty, but since then it's all been gently used. One of my favorite places to find his clothes is Once Upon a Child. They have huge sections in each of the sizes, especially for infants stuff. Everything he wears is either from there, from Goodwill, or from grandma.
Also, he's growing SO FREAKING QUICKLY that he's in a size for about four to six weeks before he needs the next size up. I'm assured (by everyone it seems) that he WILL eventually stop growing so fast.
In May we switched him pretty much exclusively into 9 month clothes, and then by June he was pretty much into 12 month clothes. He's now outgrown most of the 12 month onesies, and I've pulled out the 18 month ones that you all painted at my babyshower. (They are simply adorable! I've wanted to take and send cell phone pics, but teething has been kicking our asses this week!)
So he's now the size of an 18 month old?!? Holy crap. He'll be 7 months exactly tomorrow. AY!
Anyway, thinking along those lines, I decided to stop into OUAC while out at lunch just to browse.
And realized that they're having a clearance sale, where everything on clearance is a dollar. Well shit. That's cheaper than goodwill! So I caved and bought him some 18 month shorts and shirts. They're also having a grabbag event on the 24th where you can pay $15, and stuff a bag with as many clearance items as you wish. I may have to do that and just put into the bag anything that's bigger than what we got. It can't hurt, right?