Character meme
1. Comment on this post and ask for a letter.
2. I will give you one.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ
I think that it was
vilakinswho gave me N.
It's taken me weeks to dredge up four. I'm fairly sure that one of the boys in Towers In the Mist is called Nicolas, and that there's a Nicolas in The Wool Pack, but the books are still boxed, so i can't check.
Noddy (Enid Blyton)
I didn’t care for Noddy, and his silly hat and his silly car, so didn’t mind when librarians started taking him off the shelves, for some reason that I can’t now remember
Nicola Marlow (Antonia Forest)
I used to enjoy Antonia Forest’s work as rattling good yarns - very plot-driven would have been my thought - until fairly recently, when I came across reams of discussion on the Internet about the characters. I have gathered that Nicola was AF’s favourite character, but she wouldn’t, I think, be mine. I like the much misjudged Karen, who does a salad bowl when everyone else is swimming and sailing and singing, and who can manage meat and vegetables, but her puddings tend to fail; (and no-one points out that she’s fairly inventive with her failures), who gives up Oxford to take on a ready made family, and then has to cope with her family’s dislike for her husband - until Nicola discovers his finer points. Hurrah for Nicola!
Borrowed from
“whether Karen was, by the time she got to Oxford, really, really sick of her role as the Marlow family intellectual?”
Interesting, in that case, that it’s Nicola who identifies intellectual husband as a Good Egg in Parts
Noelle (Kingsley Amis)
Not my favourite Amis book. The plot turns on a discussion whether all women are mad, although the only character who’s receiving psychiatric help is male, but I vaguely remember that Noelle’s parents were said to be “plain bleeding ignorant” about the spelling of her name.
Nora (Adrian Bell.)
In real life, Bell was the son of the man who invented crosswords/introduced the Times crossword (?) and he went to live and work on a Suffolk farm, then wrote a series of books (Corduroy et alia) about his life and marriage there. Nora is a fictionalized version of his own wife, and never really came to life for me, as she might have done in a modern more forthright account of Bell’s life.