Dec 13, 2006 13:17

Okay, it's official. Leonardo DiCaprio makes me want to dump jet fuel onto a playground full of children and light it ablaze.

Take a gander at this article from CNN.com.

Christ. Shut the fuck up, get back into your Prius, and drive your skinny ass back to the set of Titanic II or go cuddle with your starlet of the week or something. Don't get me wrong; I'm down with the whole 'Earth Friendly' thing. I recycle and whatnot. I just really don't need you and Oprah and Brad Pitt and Al "Green Boy" Gore shoving the environmental issue down my throat.

Leo, what happened? We used to be so cool with each other...back in the day when you did This Boy's Life and The Basketball Diaries. Man, you were doing pretty good at getting back on my good side this year too, and then you have to go and pull this smarmy, modern-celebrity bullshit. Pal, you've just guaranteed that I'll never forget how bad the The Beach sucked.

Joe, where are my matches?
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