May 18, 2009 20:08
Looks like we will at least try, for summer, at least, to do the Muay Thai classes. We will have to cut something else where in our budget but Jennifer is supportive. There is a slight discount for signing up Ric as well for their wrestling class, which he should enjoy as he has been at it for two years now. I do better when I have someone there to push me. I could have gotten a bag, but no guarantee I would have used it as often as I should. Also I would be worried about technique. With my nerve damage I do not need moe injury. I will do it for the summer and then see what happens from there.
Weightwise I am down nearly 30 lbs. now. My start weight was 234 back in March and now I am down to 208ish. I feel pretty good about it. Hopefully the kickboxing will trim up the middle area. The is the problem spot right now.