Jul 07, 2003 22:38
OK everyone this is all of what happened at McDonald's tonight. When she first got there Laura was like ok ask her. I (being the shy person I am) told her no that I would ask her later. Well later came and by that time everyone at McDonald's knew that I was going to ask her except her. Ok so finally we were talking about my birthday and Ali asked me what I wanted for it. I told her a cd holder that goes on my visor and a steering wheel cover. She agreed and then I walked away. When I came back she said "What do you really want for your birthday?" I told her oh its nothing. And I thought that was the end. Well I went to go yell at Holly, because I knew she was the one who told her and then when I came back Laura told me that she accidentally told her. This is her version of the story: She said that Ali told her that she bet she could guess what we were talking about. So Laura told her to go ahead well she said is it a girl? and Laura said yes and Ali said "Who?" and Laura starred at Ali and she said me? and Laura said yes. But Holly told me that Laura actually went up to Ali and straight out told her. Oh well, Holly talked to Ali a little and she said that Ali said that she couldn't date anyone cause her dad is a preacher and he is really strict on her, and that her dad doesn't even like it if she goes with boys to a movie with a group. But I asked Ali if she would like to go to the movies tomorrow and she said that she has some stuff to do, but maybe some other time. (She actually told me what the stuff was, so she isn't making it up). However, Ali gave me her number, email addy, and sn so that we can keep in touch. Then we both got off at the same time so we went for a ride in my new car, but we only went around the corner cause we saw her mom come up at the same time we left. OK now my hands hurt. Bye.