Weekly Mega-Post

Feb 21, 2010 11:45

Coming to you live from bucolic Garfield New Jersey, home of my voluntarily transplanted mom and stepfather. We were supposed to go out to dinner last night but starting Friday night, I succumbed to some dreadful malady that seemed like it the H1N1 virus, plus SARS plus the Phage.

I hate being sick. I really, really hate it.

I digress. I bummed a ride from my sister, who was headed over the Hudson anyway to go visit our other sister. I figured, if I am going to loll about in misery in my apartment, I might as well do so at my mother's house with its access to groceries and a superior cable package. So I collapsed in my mother's house yesterday at about 1:30 PM and woke up this morning at 10:30 AM. A very long sleep, but I feel so much better.

Issue One - is it me, or are a lot the Winter Olympic events just really exercises in outrageously dangerous behavior for the sake of danger? They all seem to revolve around various ways a human being can combat friction on snow or ice or cold phenomena found in nature, fall or slide downwards at perilous speeds and then just gyrate and hope you land in one piece?

Issue Dos - and doesn't Shaun White really just look like Carrottop (pre-plastic surgery?)

Issue Tres - Shut up, Bob Costas.

Issue the Fourth - Is anyone watching HBO's Big Love this season? Just when I thought that show couldn't get any more complex, it does. (As a huge aside, I am most put-out that Television Without Pity has decided to remove this show from its list of shows that are reviewed and recapped. Why, TWOP, why?)

If you are watching this show - several open questions:

1) What is the significance of J.J.'s lack of fingernails?
2) I am perplexed as to the purpose and nature of the Sissy Spacek character.
3) Am I wrong to love Nikki more and more, even though she is easily the most aggravating and exasperating character on television?
4) Nice one Barb! Stop being such a doormat!
5) Fuck You, Bill. (Although, you did show a blip of a crowning moment of awesome at Sarah's wedding.)
6) Total ignorance here - can someone explain to me the cross-pollination between Utah based Mormons - and their wacky, heretical break-away sects - and Mexico? Are there colonies of polygamists who where shunned from mainstream LDSism and set up shop down there?

Last Point - Goddamit, Survivor!
I was leery of the premise of this season - Heroes vs. Villains, because so many of the villains were so loathsome and miserable to watch one at a time, that to gang them all together and make us watch them as group seems like an exercise in pure masochism. Coach? L'il Russel? The creepy, gangly Jerri Manthey (who looks more and more like the Other Mother from Coraline, post-reveal)? I am at a loss as to why they thought that Courtney (the, ahem, "fire-dancer" from a few season back) was sufficiently villainous to end up in that rogue's gallery. All she did was act like a hipster doofus white girl who thought it made her badass and edgy to flash gang signs. Puh-leeze.

New developments this season - James the rock-solid yet rock-headed gravedigger has turned into a real dick. Rupert has hardened in his dotage and is a thoroughly unlikeable cretin. I have come enjoy Parvati's schtick, because she seems harmlessly self-centered -on the show- and probably is rather likable in real life. I continue to love Cirie.

But you bastards, you voted off my sainted Stephenie! Ugh. Weenies.

survivor, the bleakness, television

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