Aug 24, 2013 14:46
It happened again.
A few weeks ago, as we were preparing a meal in the kitchen, we heard a loud bang accompanied by a flash of light - the stove had "exploded" unexpectedly!
Naturally we immediately called our front office and had maintenance come take a look; they, in turn, re-wired one of our burners (which looked badly wired) and called it a day.
Well, it happened again.
Not once, but twice!
The first time was Friday, which prompted a call to the front office again to explain that one of our burners sparked again. Maintenance showed up a little while after, taking about an hour to "fix" the stove. It wasn't a burner, as we thought, but rather a faulty switch of some kind... perhaps. So he changed that out, but, in the process did something funky with the wiring - the red light that indicates a burner was lit, was on regardless whether one was on or not. Truly a FUBAR wiring job.
Either way he fixed that, replaced the switch, and went about his way.
The next time, as Nicole was preparing to fix one of her chicken pot pies today, I saw the flash as I was emptying the dishwasher then heard the bang (the first time I only heard it, I didn't see anything). Then, after we let things settle, attempted to continue with making dinner when the second flash-bang occurred, shorting out the power throughout the entire apartment.
At first we didn't know if it was just us, whether we shorted out the entire building or the entire complex! Especially once we ascertained that none of the circuit breakers had been tripped in our box. Yikes! I tried calling the front office then, but nobody picked up, so we walked up there, catching the new girl a little off-guard.
Maintenance dropped by, told us where the main breaker was, and restored our power (thankfully), then he too replaced one of our burner switches. But when he turned it on to check out his handiwork - CRACK-BOOM!
The power once again shorted out throughout the entire apartment.
And now we're getting a new stove! ;)
Although it is incredibly inconvenient to be without a stove now for the rest of the weekend, I do feel some level of satisfaction in seeing our complaint about the stove justified. It's hard to argue with a flash-bang that happens right in your face!