…well, she’s probably supposed to be at least 200, I think - reds live a long time and she was no teenager when John Carter first met her in 1865.
But it’s a hundred years since the first publication of
Under the Moons of Mars (serialized from February to June, 1912 in All-Story). And
what a hundred years it’s been.
I could wax poetic here but I won’t. I’m looking forward to the
Barsoomian retro-clone that’s supposed to come out this year more than the movie, and in celebration I think I may run a game - maybe even a G+ game - later in the year that bridges Barsoom, Carcosa, Jorune,
Sulawesi and more than likely the
Pliocene, along with whatever Flailsnailers bring. So
here‘s the first of the campaign maps:
…and here’s a monster/city, for your turquoise men characters to explore using their Yuggotech Gossamer Gliders (indispensable, fully disposable, completely non-refundable!):
…and here’s a reminder of the alien landscapes all around us:
Because with all this embarrassment of riches of flying islands and helium engines and sinking cities and dessicated
Martian salt-pans, I might just spend half the campaign exploring the amphibious possibilities of
tidal sand bars and estuaries (great for your
Southeast Asian pirate nemeses, natch - or maybe for all those
awesome new Slaad that Scrap Princess has just invented!).