Most of the evidence has been destroyed...

Nov 03, 2011 10:41

In search of the original pizza.

Delightful until the hand tips. Thanks ratmmjess - you've reminded me of an utterly earnest discussion among a bunch of New Yorkers that I was roped into a few years ago, debating the true origin of pizza - whether it was Mystic, CT or Brooklyn, NY. My own contention, that decorated flatbreads probably went back to pre-dynastic Egypt, was met with about 10 seconds of concerned frowning, before the discussion relaunched exactly where it had left off.

But the article - is this an ingenious continuation of the viral-ad method? By halfway down, with the discussion of Marmot’s Hole, the most widely read English-language blog on Korea, but one whose notorious comments section is often filled with vitriol, some of it racist I've definitely lost contact with who's fooling who. From one may readily extract patterns among Japanese-language posts on sites where this video was reproduced down to the repeated reminder that “it’s just a joke” has not slowed the barrage of nationalistic abuse it follows the same slow crescendo pattern as the video. The conclusion seems like a satire on the typical academic humanities mode of hopeful caution: when in-group discourse such as that of 2-channeru leaves its immediate context, we encounter strong reaction against it by those who don’t share the same sensibilities and irony as a mode of humor also depends on shared knowledge and viewpoints are both trivial and unfalsifiable.

The map, also halfway down the article - uncaptioned, brilliantly insane - deserves a post of its own.

nationalism, kayfabe, art, charming ideas, maps and graphs

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