more human routefinding

May 04, 2010 13:25

You Are Here shows where you, and others, have been previously in a gallery space. This seems more relevant to studies of human routefinding than the amazing cloth labyrinth. I'd like to see an airport-wide implementation, though. Or maybe inside Hagia Sophia or AMNH.

Which reminds me: here, the known universe. I'm not sure why we start in Tibet and end up over Sinkiang, but the trip's an interesting map of our knowledge and ignorance.

Keeping the interesting-but-stupid quotient up: driving about typography.

And, I think, my final thought on the UK election until it's all over: the slapometer. Apparently 62% of users slap all 3 candidates. I confess I did, but mostly to see the animations and because the interface wasn't very easy on a touchpad. Also, casetteboy amusingly remixes BNP leader Griffin to reveal some disturbing truths that might have escaped you.
What I'll miss most about the election is Jon Snow's visualisations. The BBC's seat calculator looks like it might help fill the gap - a highly interesting datatoy for showing which seats are safest for various parties. I see my old gaff is about as staunchly libdem as anywhere - one of the last 20 seats, reverting to Tory below that (prolly coz of all the Londoners who retire there).

architecture, dancing about architecture

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