Sep 11, 2006 01:00
Mark used my toothbrush on accident this morning. Thus making him dumber than preivously imagined. In his partial defense we DO have the same toothbrush. But they are different colors. More to the point, HIS toothbrush has the name and office of his dentist printed on the handle...mine has nothing. I woke up and was like "must brush teeth" only to find his in my normal spot. So i looked for mine and it was in his travel case (one of those tube thingys). Intrigued I retrieved it and noted that it was very damp and smelled of toothpaste. Given that he had used the bathroom 5 minutes prior and his brush was completely dry i put 2 and 2 together.
So not only does he owe me a new toothbrush but in the mean time I scrubbed the toilet with mine and put it back in its rightful place (and put his back as well). He'll only be punished if he's a moron again.
On the plus side I should mention to DARRELLXOR that he needs to visit me here! Why, you ask? Because pat and I bought Inuyasha: feudal combat! It's like soul calibur, but each player gets 2 people, but you can only quasai control your partner. Damn pat, keeps defeating me with shippo...fuck him, i'll kick his ass using Koga tomorrow. But darrell needs to visit for fun reasons as well!
oh also, i'm quitting my job at the bike shop in order to work at tully's w/ pat. Last day is saturday. reason for leaving: more money. Compare: $8.50 to $8.50 with tips. And in a busy place like seattle tips are about equal to $10-20 a day. Cash is nice to have. So are better me 8 days in a row you motherfuckers!
Pat and I were discussing the terrible show "Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century", this terrible cartoon we each happened to see at one time. Why was it the future? that was the question. In the end it came to me all at once, "The future is easier to draw" i said. It's so true, for various reasons. More straght lines, more matte colors, fewer textures. Also, there's no need to be accurate, because its all imaginary anyhow.