Well, so far, it's been a bit of a week of hangovers. Tinternet's been broken, and I haven't been in school (it's half term or something). But here's what's been up in the meantime:
On Saturday evening, met up with Matt, Pix, Gibbsy and Little, purportedly to dish out flyers like this:
around Shoreditch. However, despite it being a Saturday night, everywhere was very quiet. I was most unimpressed with the denizens of London in the aftermath of the recent '24-but-in-real-life' events. Rather than carrying on as normal with their decadent western saturday night debauchery, they had instead chosen to cower at home, leading me to suspect that there are far more people in London who are either pussies, communists, Enemies of Freedom, or all three, than I initially suspected. Losers. Bereft of many people to dish out flyers to, we, freedom-loving Bauer-esque terrorist-battling badasses that we are, proceeded to get shitfaced and play table football (at which, I would like to point out, The Kaiser and I owned Malone and Gibbsy).
After closing, we decided the only right and proper course of action was to continue to battle terrorism by first standing at a bus stop and bashing out a medley of hymns and old Milhouse songs, then going home, watching a ridiculous, nay, preposterous, fan-made Star Wars film and pouring wine down our necks. Just for a change, I decided to cap off my Saturday night by passing out on the Tenter Street Sofa, only to be rudely awoken by Malone (who had fallen asleep with his feet on the table) kicking a glass of wine across the room. I ignored him and went back to sleep. All in all though, a fantastic evening of fun and laughter, with some of my Favourite People.
Sunday was pretty enjoyable, despite there being alarmingly few punters at The Successional. Played a bit of music with Matt and Pix (which was awesome - far better than pissing about by myself in my bedroom. Could really do with getting my arse in gear band-wise). Listened to the Todmorden Three making some cool music. Puja let me sit in his new car:
and listen to Carcass, which was basically amazing. I want a cool old car all of my own. Drank far too much, and had some spliff-smoke coming out of my drughole on a couple of occasions. I don't really remember how the day finished itself off, but suffice to say I woke up on Monday morning in a Tenter Street Armchair, feeling like arse.
Got home on Monday, and my mum, being awesome and all, had bought me this:
Ace book. Read it from start to finish on Monday, and did absolutely balls-all else. As a result, I've decided to try and be a bit more proactive and positive in my dealings with everyday life. Let's see how long that lasts.
***UPDATE, 30/07/05: Yes, that's right. Two days.***
On Tuesday, I got a haircut. I don't like it. Well, I kinda do, but it's way too short at the front. Which is fucking annoying when you've been trying to grow your hair out for the last year and a half. Observe my stupid head:
**There was going to be a picture here, but I can't take one that makes me look remotely Not Goofy With My Stupid New Haircut, so I'm now not going to bother, and I'm a sulk instead.**
I hate getting my hair cut. The girl who did it was very pretty and very nice though... I just wish she'd paid attention when I said 'I definitely don't want it any shorter at the front.' Bah. Sulks.
In the evening, I went out in little g with some people from work. They're all pretty cool. Some random guy in The Red Lion regognised me from the days of Milhouse which was pretty crazy. Anyway, it transpires that Pub Closing Time is an essentially meaningless concept when you're out with a bunch of people who work in an offy, and to cut a long story short, I ended up rocking in back at the Morgans' around half three, deciding it was About Time To Send Some Emails, getting a bollocking from Dave (whom I had awoken with my boozed-up crashing about), then deciding it was A Good Idea to try and talk to
Hollie (who was similarly wrecked) on the phone. Resulting in more Dave Shouting.
Yesterday, I felt RUBBISH. Today I feel ok. Time to get some stuff done I think. Yes - Doing Things is most definitely on the agenda today. Oh and by the way, yay - I have some kinda new robot thing which means I can use the tinternet again. From anywhere in the house. Mint.