Jan 31, 2006 10:28
I addressed the following e-mail to Mark Dayton, who opposed the cloture motion on the debate of the Alito nomination. To my liberal California readers - Boxer and DiFi also opposed cloture, and deserve your praise.
Mr. Dayton,
I am just dropping a note to say "thank you" for your "No" vote on yesterday's cloture motion. That vote shows that you have the integrity and intestinal fortitude to stand up for what is right. There are those who voted "yes" yesterday but will vote "no" today, so that they can tell their constituents that they opposed Alito. The only possible response when they do will be "where were you when it mattered?" I am proud that when it mattered, the Democratic Senator from Minnesota was at his station and not hiding under the decks. I regret that you are not running for re-election, if you were you would surely have my vote.