May 21, 2004 23:18
hmmmm... I haven't updated in a while... I forget about livejournal and I remember at the most inopportune moments. Maybe it's because I don't know what to talk about. Let's see...
my girl's hair is so smooth. I love smooth stuff. she's such a doll. yesterday she came by and we had tea and scones. I made them from this english recipe book I bought when I was over there, about five years ago. my students are annoying me. I don't know if i want to be a prof. anymore. this kid especially is so fucking annoying, I would beat the crap out of him if I weren't a pacifist.
speaking of pacifists, some weird hippie couple moved in the house right next to mine. I hear them chanting "ooom, Ooom...." as I make my scrambled eggs in the morning. and I'm even ashamed to sing of "o sole mio" in the shower! at least I have a decent voice.
last night mother stopped by. she wanted to see how my house is going. she liked the polka-dot red and white carpet and the green silky couch. I knew those were awesome buys. I want to get a tv set up as soon as I can, so I can start watching home runs with the boys and Law and Order with Milly.
Ok, I think it's time to go now, I'll update again tomorrow.