Back from hiatus.

Jun 15, 2011 23:28

So I'm writing in my journal for the first time in five months.

In some small part this is because I got a proper job offer last Monday, accepted it yesterday and started the job today. (I was at the place already temping so starting is unofficial.)

The stress that this has relieved is enormous although my happiness is muted as there is other stress that hasn't really lifted, including our "buy a pub in sunny Cornwall" plans. From my perspective this has been one of the worst weeks on record for this whole project, but that is because there's been emotional upset and it's left me seriously considering the wisdom in pairing with Tobin's folks. Heavy unpleasant stuff. But in a practical, pragmatic sense, it hasn't been bad. Next week there's a court case on one of the places we're shooting for and that will determine whether it's within a viable timeframe.

Anyway. So yes, I thought I'd write again, especially as I thought nobody who I've told in Bristol really could grasp the amusement I felt at the dream I had, the dream I just posted a writeup for. I have been reading posts, by the way. Anyway. Bed now, I'm tired and starting to fail to want to write in complete or coherent sentences.


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