Coughy McCougherson.

Sep 02, 2010 08:05

So I'm still as rough as a badger's arse.

It was funny. Had a choice this morning and my decision was completely at odds to what I would have decided in a permanent job. Do I take the linctus, or the expectorant? Do I be still my cough or do I cough this crap out? I chose the latter.

This is good as considering how badly I forgot my teamaking this morning - forgot as in when I tried to remember if I had I couldn't - probably means I'm not fit for duty. I felt great on Sunday, slightly worse on Monday and bad again on Tuesday, which means this bloody thing is sticking around.

I may try and apply for jobs too today because this job, temporary and dull, is hardly inspiring me to push the boundaries.

Anyway. Had one starbucks mug-sized cup of tea, somewhat cold: it may be time for another. Stupid throat hurts.


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