time to blow off some steam...

May 12, 2002 19:53

god...talk about living with assholes. my dad is currently holding a grudge against me because he asked me to sweep the kitchen while i was doing my homework and i said ok, then awhile later i hadnt done it yet, and he started bitching at me, and i said i would do it later, since i was doing my homework at the moment and he got all pissy and was all like, "fine, i'll do it myself" and the whole time he was sweeping, he was muttering crap about me like, "she would have done a crappy job anyway." then he kept making comments about me being "lazy" and all sorts of bullshit like that for the rest of the evening. and now he's stomping around the house slamming whatever he can, as he does, the stupid immature asshole. he's such a fucking pussy, and he has the maturity and attitude of a 4 year old. if he doesnt get his way, he has a little hissy fit. god damn pukeface. and now my sad little deaf dog is eating all of the catfood. god, she wouldnt even come inside if my retarded parents didnt LEAVE the fucking DOOR open whenever they came in or went out. i mean, god.. they do that, then they yell when the dog comes in the house! idiots. i have been doing homework all day. I'm still not done... I cant believe what idiots my parents are. they want me to get good grades, but they also seem to think that i can just get them magically. like, i am at school and work all freaking day, then i come home and am expected to do all the fucking housework! ::kicks shit around:: i seriosly need a punching bag. my stomach is knotted from so much stress. i started lifting weights again, so thats good - it helps me get some stress out. i should do some yoga. stretching feels good too. there just isn't a lot of floor space here. ^^ ok....whew...i feel a lot better now that i wrote all that out ^_^ man, i love this journal! Yay! Ruka said she would give me some more money.. Thank goodness. ^^ So I bought her 6 Neopets faeries (one of each ^^) and a strawberry cybunny cake. ^.^ Ah.. now I am happy. ^_^ I hope she is too. =) Hehe, last night was Anti-Prom, aka Pajama Prom (although I was the only one wearing pajamas. ^.^ Lessee, it was me, Ben, Melinda, Serithe (I know I spelled her name wrong ^^) and Lizzy at Melinda's place. It was lotsa fun. ^^ We watched Waking Life, which is awesome. It was a very fun night. ^_^ Oh! Today my mom bought me a digital camera! Yay!! ^_^ It's one of my graduation presents. ^.^ Well, we ordered it online. =) It was cheap! Under $50. I'm excited, I have always wanted one of those. ^_^ Hehe, I got her a Spongebob plushie for Mother's Day. She liked it. ^_^ Well, I should get back to my homework. ^^ Whahey, I am so glad I feel better. ^.^ I should change my mood setting from "nauseated" to something nicer...Ah, there we go. ^^ Itarashai!
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