(no subject)

Dec 02, 2021 21:50

My uncle died this morning. He was schizophrenic and not particularly fond of staying on his meds, and was consequently extremely difficult to be around. He was abusive and managed to burn every bridge, and was estranged from everybody in the family. His three adult children (my cousins) didn't want to have anything to do with him. The only relative that even occasionally checked up on him was my mom.

A lifetime of heavy smoking and eating nothing but junk food caught up to him. He had had heart problems for a while, and he was eventually done in by them. My mom saw him a day or two before his death, and his arms and legs were already very swollen from poor circulation.

There will be no mass and no funeral. My mom and her two surviving siblings are going to put together money to get a spot for his cremated remains in a cemetery, and that's it.

I'm not really sure how I should feel.
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