a couple of links
http://www.indy.tv it's a music recc tool that feeds from websites offering free downloads of the artist's songs, so basically a potentially powerful marketing tool for unsigned/alternative/independent artists. the interface is really easy, small and simple. and you can click on the display to be taken to the artist's website. all the songs download to your hard drive, but you can always delete it, and it has the option of erasing songs you rated 1 or 2 stars. i played around with it a bit earlier today, and the music available is not omg amazing or anything... it definitely needs some filtering, but after a bunch of ratings i'm sure it'll become more appealing. at the same time, it's probably better than the radio.
for open source visit
http://irate.sourceforge.net/ also, why does schwarzenegger have to be our governor? and why did my dad give me shriver's "ten things i wish i'd known before i went out into the real world" for my 15th bday? i finally skimmed through it the other day, and .. yeah. waste of shelf space.
but the minutemen project is seriously ridiculous.
http://www.swarmtheminutemen.com in other news, i really hate drug addicts. livejournal has its share of them, because obviously their lives are emo and depressing.