My latest Lego project:
Grimlock, by far the greatest Transformers character, in Lego form!
This monster uses 1,244 Lego pieces. He measures 36cm tall in robot form and 53cm from nose to tail in dinosaur form. I tried to keep his transformation close to the toy; there are some modifications but I was pleased to make him able to transform without needing to remove and replace any Lego pieces in the process.
The model has 58 points of articulation all told, most of which enable him to transform, but some also allow him to pose (moving the leg, arm and finger joints in both forms, as well as allowing both heads to turn and the T-Rex jaws to flex).
I'm rather pleased with the way he turned out. This was a very different building challenge to most of my own builds of recent years, which were mainly about constructing my
Lego cityscape. This was much more of a technical challenge (especially the centre of the body, and working out how it was all going to fold), involving functionality, more organic shapes and working at a different scale to normal.
Here he is again, alongside his original toy counterpart, for comparison: