Communicus interruptus

Sep 06, 2010 11:58

I have made errors.

Talk talk have put up there prices and hence I have cancelled my account on the grounds of breach of contract (that I had with tiscali). I am moving to sky and it seems to be going ahead ok, even though there was a lot of faff at the start. My email addy will change and possibly my phone number too. This wouldn't be a problem if it were not for the fact I decided to give the open beta of FFXIV a go.

My computer required SP2 for vista for the beta and it would not install, so I did a full reinstall and forgot to back up my email address book. DOH! So I have no ones email and soon no one will have mine. JOY!

In other news just to make sure the piss is totally taken, I have yet to play the beta because it has taken 2 days to download a patch and currently patches are being released faster than I can download them. You might think this is a good thing because they are fixing the game .... WRONG, they really need to fix the patcher because it is utter shit. I get download speeds in bits per sec not Kbits or KBs it is that slow. Worst attempt at a peer to peer patch downloader I have ever seen. It does not look good for the game.
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