New year

Jan 04, 2011 16:20

So it's another year and I'm feeling non too bad apart from the chest pains. Just been to hospital for an ECG and all seems well, but given my general health I am scheduled for a myocardial perfusion scan (I will glow in the dark or at least my blood will as technetium
[Tc-99] injections will bring a healthy glow on the gamma ray camera.)

I've had a good christmas with a nice zero presents (other than money) and an excellent New Year celebration with some old uni friends. Board games, Cthulu and some Wii high jinks (alcohol was necessary) have provided an excellent accompaniament to some good company.

The DWP will be ruining my 2011 soon which is principally responsible for the chest pains but at least the festivities have provided stress relief and a welcome distraction.

Hope everyone has had as pleasant a festive period as I have.
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