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Jun 24, 2005 15:43

HEYYYY long time no update!!! well i came back from the bahamas the other day and i had an AWESOME time!! it was my birthday on the 13th so now i am 17!!! woo hooo!!! one more year till im LEGAL! lol.. well yea my birthday was sooo much fun wen it hit 12 a.m everyone at the bar sang for me and i was soo happy!! anyway enough about my birthday! lol everything went really good.. i hung out with everyone and me n ruis are still good to eachother.. like of course its not the same as before because before we were like the perfect little couple.. lol.. but now we are just together wen we want to be... and of course i got it for one last time!! lol! but im pretty sad that im not going for a really long time cuz ive learned SOO many new things from that place.. but i kno ill be back because i have soo many places to stay so ill be fine... and i got some pictures from meredith  and some other ppl cuz my camera broke the night of my birthday and wen i was trying to fix it (i was totally TRASHED) i deleted all my pictures... so here are some..

meredith me gavin jason and rachel.. i was really wasted there... so dont mind me.. lol

me n scar.. at one of our hiding spots.. i was getting started.. lol

keenen n ruthie.. what the hell does he have in his mouth??? ;-)

ruthie n keenen.. after our session.. he has a COLT 45!!! AGH miami memories! lol

macey ruthie n me... I LOVE MACEY.. she danced on the bar for my birthday!! lol

me n ruis... lol look at that combination!!

tori n ruis... they got alittle too into "she will be loved"

this was in spring break.. at another one of our spots... me ruthie loryn missy n sarah.. THOSE WERE CRAZY NIGHTS

that was after wen we got back... but meredith joined and freddie actually got in the picture
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